10 Surprising Foods and Drinks That are Good for Your Teeth
Our bodies are complex, and the foods we eat directly impact general health and the health of our teeth and gums. While you can consume...

Regular Dental Check-Up in Somerville MA
A regular dental check-up is essential because it allows you to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Such dental checkups should be...

Twelve Tips of Christmas For Dental Health
The year is about to end, but one of the enjoyable events is still to be celebrated. Yes, it’s Christmas. It brings happiness and love to...

Partial Dentures in Somerville MA
Missing teeth not only compromised your smile but also affect the teeth functioning. There are several ways to make teeth replacement....

Oral Surgery Cambridge MA
Oral surgery is a specialized field of general dentistry. It includes all the procedures related to oral tissue. It can be related to...

Helpful Tips for Healthy Smiles at Halloween
The month of October is about to end, and it's the time of year when everyone, especially kids are waiting for an exciting Halloween. At...

Our Response to COVID-19 & Our Commitment to You.
It’s hard to ignore the media headlines fueling a surge of panic among people across the globe. Professional dental team at Avalon Dental...

Vitamin D Crucial for Dental Implant Success
Vitamin D is unique, because it’s a nutrient our body can manufacture for itself. All it needs is sunshine. And this is good because it...

Affordable Dental Care in Somerville
Looking for Affordable Dental Care Without Insurance? We can help you here, at Avalon Dental Center Somerville MA. We completely...

How to choose your dentist?
Choosing the right dentist is very important as this should be a long-term “partnership”. Sometimes we are choosing the dentist just by...